So crochet is not my expertise and Star Wars is not my ultimate thing but after hanging out with my friend Kim, who is an expert at crochet and a large fan of Star Wars, I'm starting to get the bug. So I stalked it out on Pinterest and look at some of the fun stuff I found!!!
Found these cute character creations here.
Oh I need this Death Star Cushion! Anyone want to make me one? :-) Instructions are here.
And these lightsabers! I'm just dying over here! Wow! Find the pattern here.
Can't forget about this guy! What a cutie! He's here.
Of course, let's not forget all the main characters. Look how awesome! There was no tutorial for these that I found but you could probably buy the pattern off of etsy somewhere. Mergirl had made these and was showing it off on her flickr page here.
I now want so badly to learn how to do crochet on the next level and watch all the episodes of Star Wars before the new movie comes out this December. If only I didn't need to sleep, I MIGHT find the time to learn and make all these wonderful guys!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015
Free Ebook - No Bake Desserts
So do you like desserts but not really the whole baking part of it? Well, if that's the case, I have a special treat for you. I found a link to a cook book called "No Bake Desserts: 21 Easy Dessert Recipes".
Heads up... they will try to get you to join their newsletter and it may look like you have to in order to get the ebook but YOU DON'T! Just close the pop-up window and it automatically downloads for you! Woohoo! However, if you want to get on their mailing list to get more free ebook recipes, then by George, sign-on up!
Here's the link ..,
Have fun! And Oh! I'd love to see what you made. Actually, I'd prefer to taste it but my strict after stroke diet won't let me, so just share a pic and let me just drool over it. :-)
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
It's a Perler Bead thing!
As I was perusing Pinterest, I came across a few Perler Bead artwork. It totally brought me back almost 30 years when I was first introduced to perlers. I found a large bag of these colorful beads in the scout shop of the headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America where my grandfather worked. I had no clue what they were but the colors and the fact they were beads attracted me so I bought them. Flash forward 30 years and I still love them like I did back then, I just forgot. So thanks Pinterest for reminding me and giving me that warm feeling as I remember my wonderful grandfather, Godofredo Neric.
Inspired by the great perler artists on Pinterest, I started with this...
Yup! My inner geek is showing. So then I tried these...
Then I thought about my lil' man's teacher, so made these...
Then I thought about my good friend who sews...
Then my lil' man saw a creeper with a Christmas hat and asked for one ....
Hmmm... Christmas is coming! Let's make ornaments but the geek kind...
Which then lead to more ornies...
Even Minion ornies...
And finally, since football season is coming, a few Baltimore Ravens perler ornies with a bonus owl...
I sure did have fun with these! No worries. I'm not done yet. I want to make some splatoon squid earrings and ornies, a few Dr. Who, maybe some Avengers, and Adventure Time also. One day I will attempt to make a large Perler bead mural wall art of Jeremy Renner. *sigh*
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Splatoon craze!
Yes, yes! It's been over a year! What can I say ... Life! I was super busy but just 2 weeks ago something happened that made me stop everything in an instant. I had a stroke! Here I am in my mid forties, in rather good health and I get a stroke. How is this possible? Even the Drs don't understand why I had one but I did. So life changes are now happening. Quit 2 of the 3 jobs I had, crafting more, eating much healthier, starting an exercise regimen. However I still have 2 big stressors in my life that I need to change but am having great difficulty changing ... Finances and relationship. I need more of one and none of the other! While I try to figure that out, this girl will be crafting more to relieve stress. So this is what I've been up to lately...
Splatoon Squids!!! Aren't they adorbs? My kids are really into splatoon right now
so I made these cute keychains.
I couldn't decide if I should put spots on them or not so I took a Facebook and
Instagram vote and surprisingly enough, it was half and half!
Then I asked do I put felt spots or just draw them on.
Split decision as well. So I just made a mixture of them all. Lol!