
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Back with rope crafts

I've been MIA for a bit because I was taking classes to get my 90-hour certificate so that I can teach preschool again.  See I used to teach preschool several years back but stopped after having my lil' man.  Well, he's bigger now and is in school, so I'm going back to teaching again.  Woo-hoo!  I'm so excited.

Enough of that ... Over the past couple of months, as my stress reliever I did do some crafts but didn't have the time to post.  Well, I have time now, so here's my rope crafts....

This is a coffee can that I wrapped in nylon rope from the Dollar Store. Now it houses my pens nicely.  Yes... the flowers you see are my flower pens.  Here's a picture of the can during the gluing process.

Inspired by a basket I saw at Starbucks, I also made this this from a cardboard box and then wrapped it in the same nylon rope...

Here's the box that inspired me....

Now I know mine is nowhere near as nice as the Starbucks basket, but it does it's duty.  Hides things while still looking presentable ~ and it matches my kitchen color.

Since I had some rope leftover, I decided to cover a left over ribbon spool...

It now holds little trinkets inside.  I could go further and paint the inside or cover it with fabric.  That will have to be for another rainy day.

Hope you enjoyed.


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