Aren't they beautiful? Here were our tools...
First I asked the children to paint a green stem. As you saw, some stems were really large and others really long. But that's ok because it is all about the process not the product. So yeah ... after painting the stem, I showed them how they could dip the bottom part of the soda bottle into the paint and stamp it on top of their stems. I offered different bottles for different flower looks. I also showed them how you can flip the soda bottle over and dip the top of the bottle to make the inner circle part of the flower when stamped. They did some with the cap on for a filled-in circle and some with the cap off for a hollow circle stamp. For the leaves, I cut up a paper towel tube and flattened it a little, had the kids dip one end and ta-dah... leaves! The kids loved doing this project and they did turn out great. It's Recycle Art!
I love recycle art too, it always feels good to come up with something creative out of what was once trash :) Thanks for linking to Kids Get Crafty! ~Alissa and Maggy